Fundamental Price Modeling Short Description A person not familiar with the basic facts of economics and finance could assume that the price of a company's stock reflects, by a large amount, the actual value of the company. However, this notion cannot hold true in a free market where supply and demand are, eventually, the factors that affect market prices. But is the financial data of a company irrelevant to its stock price and useless for an investor? Presumably it is not, as there are people who use Fundamental Analysis to determine investment opportunities, and Fundamental Analysis is a method that utilizes the economic fundamentals of a company. For this project we will try to use a company's financial data to attempt to calculate the market capitalization. Any significant discrepancies between the stock price and the fundamental price are of interest and are further explored. Project Website Contents The project website is devided in the following sections:
Available data The Financial Lab mysql database was used to gather the following data:
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