ANSYS, Inc. (Inactive Symbol) |
YTD Price Probability |
No random walk data for 2025
Default Prediction for 2016-12-31 |
Default prediction by Z-Score (what's this?).
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Fundamental Analysis for 2017 |
Fundamental Analysis metrics & ratios (what's this?).
Date of financial statements used: 2017-03-31 |
Book Value: |
$706.9M |
Internal Value: |
$706.9M |
Working Capital: |
$653.3M |
Debt to Asset Ratio: |
0.209 |
Current Ratio: |
2.236 |
Turnover Ratio: |
N/A |
Net Margin: |
25% |
EPS: |
2.903 |
P/E ratio: |
41.302 |
P/B ratio: |
14.793 |
ROE: |
35.8% |
ROA: |
9.1% |
Company ProfileSymbol: ANSS Market Cap: $10.5B Exchange: NASDAQ Sector: Technology Industry: Software Data Since: 1997-01-02 Website: www.ansys.com [Web Query] [News Query]