Simpson Manufacturing Co, Inc. - 2016 (Inactive Symbol) |
YTD Price Probability |
The following graph plots the year-to-date performance of the stock for 2016 compared to the probability calculated by a random walk model.
Initial Value*: $33.6
Hist. Volatility: 1.23%
Annual Drift: 7%
Final Value*: $43.8
Percentile: 82% |
Click on the image for the high resolution version. |
* Stock quotes on TextBiz are always adjusted close prices (what's this?). |
HTD - LTD Price Probability |
The high to date and low to date prices of the stock plotted against a random walk model for 2016 (what's this?).
Default Prediction for 2016-12-31 |
Default prediction by Z-Score (what's this?).
View the other companies in the same industry : Construction Supplies & Fixtures
Alternative Z-Scores designed for non-public companies (i.e. take these with a grain of salt):
For manufacuring companies:
Sector Industry
For non-manufacturing companies:
Sector Industry